TOUR and more 2024

December 7th -
Cualquier Mañana (Laura Aris and Álvaro Esteban) at Zinetika festival. Join us for this special performance at the iconic Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (ES). More info

November 11th- 23rd
- Wonder Horizons residency.
Soon, I will begin the first research residency for a new project (2025/26) at Ultima Vez Studios in Brussels.

September 27th - Join me for a lecture as part of the Work in Process #1 series - Is the character still necessary? Organised by CiThe network at Maison des Arts (ULB), from 10 AM to 3:30 PM.

September 17th, 2024, OBV Ghent - symposium Choreographic Legacies: Sustaining and Reviving Dance Repertoire on September 17, 2024 in Ghent.  Guest rehearsal directors’ panel discussion: Barbara Kaufmann (Tanztheater Wuppertal / Pina Bausch), Diane Madden (Trisha Brown Dance Company) and Laura Arís Álvarez (Ultima Vez), moderated by Koen Bollen (OBV). More info

August 17th, BRUSSELS
- Special guest at the TicTac Art Center 6th Anniversary Celebration Week.

June 28th to -7th July 2024, ANTWERP (BE) - PUUR by Wim Vandekeybus/Ultima Vez returns to the stage in collaboration with Opera Ballet Vlaanderen.

May 9th, 2024 - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (ES) - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie a stage solo by Laura Aris at Escenas do Cambio festival.

March 23/3 -7/7/24, ANTWERP | GENT (BE) - PUUR of Wim Vandekeybus - Come and join us for the premiere of the revival of PUUR (2005), directed by Wim Vandekeybus/Ultima Vez in collaboration with Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. This journey revisits the past, reflects on the present, and invites us to imagine the future.

March 21st, 2024, BRUSSELS Tic Tac Center Thursday’s Special Guest Performance - Laura Aris and Edivaldo Ernesto

Tour and more 2025

March 2025 COSTA RICA - MACA Festival & Escena Contemporánea - Cualquier Mañana (exact dates to be confirmed)

August 2025 - GUADALAJARA, Mexico - Moves (exact dates to be confirmed) - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

May 2024 - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (ES) Wondering Horizons - Escenas do Cambio festival (to be confirm)


P.A.R.T.S. winter workshops
January 4th and 5th (technical class). More info

Ultima Vez Atelier Quartier (open level - nondancers)
December Saturday 13th and Saturday 20th, 2024, from 14-17h. More info

LUCCA, Italy
TRY - International Training and Research Program for Young (closed group)
Play Full Body & Power Sources workshops
January 22nd to Feb 2nd, 2024. More info

Play Full Body workshop at Centro Teatrale di Ricerca e Formazione.
February 9th- 11th, 2024. More info

Play Full Body at Tic Tac Art Center.
March 18th-22nd, 2024. More info

NANCY, France
Play Full Body workshop (open group) at CCN Centre Choreografique National - Ballet Lorraine.
March 27th- 29th, 2024. More info

Circuit-Est Centre Choréographique
Play Full Body workshop
May 13th -17th, 2024. More info

PUUR (2005) repertory workshop Ultima Vez.
Laura Aris & Helder Seabra
July 8th- 12th, 2024. More info

VIENNA, Austria
July 15th-26th, 2024. More info

PARTS Summer School
August 5th-9th, 2024. More info

La Faktoria Choreographic Center
Play Full Body and The Courage to Create workshop (open to external students!)
October 8th - November 1st, 2024. More info

P.A.R.T.S. (closed group)
November 25th - December 13th, 2024. More info


LUCCA, Italy
TRY- International Training and Research Program for Young (closed group)
Play Full Body & Power Sources workshops
Jan 6th - 17th, 2025. More info

P.A.R.T.S. (closed group)
February 17th- 28th, 2025. More info

La(b) Perla / Moves - Play Full Body workshop
August 2025 (tbc).