Between 2000 and 2008, Laura regularly assisted and co-taught workshops with Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez internationally. They were invited to many festivals, theaters, and universities, including Teatro Comunale di Ferrara in 2000, Kalamata Dance Festival in 2001, the State School of Athens in 2002, Porto (the European Capital of Culture in 2001), Teatro Central de Sevilla (2001–2004), UCLA, California, in 2004, and Festival Oriente Occidente in Rovereto in 2006, among others. Since then, Laura has been leading her own technical and creative workshops. These include:

Power Sources (a technical contemporary dance workshop), Partnering Tools, Space Conflict & Catastrophic Imagination/Ultima Vez Vocabulary, Playful Body, The Courage to Create, and, more recently, On Fragility and Other Matters workshop. For more info visit Teaching Philosophy.

From 2009 to 2013, she frequently co-taught partnering workshops with Jorge Jáuregui (EMBER Projects).

During all these years of teaching workshops, I have sometimes had the pleasure of being accompanied by wonderful assistants. My love and gratitude go to all of them:
Melina Mastrotanasi (2002–2003), Marco Fonseka (2009–2010), Julio Cesar Ungo (2011), Laida Aldaz Arrieta (2012), Sebastián Méndez Marín (2013–2014), Leif Firnhaber (2014), Tanja Marín Friðjónsdóttir (2015), María De Dueñas (2015–2016), Ariadna Girones (2017–2019), Lucia Burguete (2021), Magdalena Oettl (2023), and Ollantay Rojas (2024).


LUCCA, Italy. TRY - International Training & Research Program for Young (closed group)
Play Full Body & Power Sources workshops - January 9th to 27th, 2023.
BRUSSELS, Belgium. TICTAC ART CENTRE - Play Full Body workshop - February 13th to 17th, 2023.
BRUSSELS, Belgium. P.A.R.T.S. (closed group) - Power Sources workshop - April 24th - May 12th.
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica. March 6th - 8th - Festival La Machine - Play Full Body workshop.
BERLIN, Germany. Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg gUG - Play Full Body workshop - April 11th to 15th, 2023.
VIENNA, Austria. Impulstanz - from July 10th to 21st, 2023
BRUSSELS, Belgium. P.A.R.T.S. Summer School - Contemporary technique class & Play Full Body workshop (intermediate)- from July 31st to August 4th, 2023.
WARSAW, Poland. Oddaj ciezar & Studio 42 - Play Full Body workshop- form August 14th -19th, 2023
FREIBURG, Germany. Frei Art Festival - Play Full Body workshop, from September 14th-15th, 2023
PAMPLONA, Spain. La Faktoria Choreographic Center (closed group) - Play Full Body workshop, October 2nd-27th, 2023.
JAIPUR, India. Partner Dance Festival - Partnering Tools workshop - from November 20th-29th, 2023.
BRUSSELS, Belgium. Ultima Vez Atelier Quartier (open level- nondancers) - December 9th and 16th, 2023


PAMPLONA, Spain. La Faktoria Choreographic Center. Play Full Body workshop - from Feb 12th- 13th, 2022.
BARCELONA, Spain. IEA - Institut Artístic Oriol Martorell (closed group). Creative laboratory. from 7th -19th, 2022.
ATHENS, Greece. Intensive 3-day Play Full Body workshop at Choroskinisirythmos. From May 30/04 -2nd, 2022.
VIENNA, Austria. Impulstanz. July 25th to August 5, 2022. Play Full Body, Power Sources & Ultima Vez vocabulary workshops.
BRUSSELS, Belgium. TicTac Art Centre - Play Full Body workshop - Agust 2022.
BRUSSELS, Belgium. PARTS Summer School. Power Sources. From Agust 15th to 19th, 2022.
MADRID, Spain. Cuerpo Romo festival from Seteber 24th - 25th, 2022.
PAMPLONA, Spain. La Faktoria Choreographic Center. From October 3rd to 21, 2022.
BUCHAREST, Rumania. National Centre for Dance Bucharest. From November 8th to 24th, 2022.
FRANKFURT, Germany. BAtanz - Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt am Main- From December 5th-9th, 2022.


BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. January 25th - February 12th, 2021.
PAMPLONA, Spain - La Faktoria Choreographic Center. Play Full Body - March 8th-19th, 2021.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - TICTAC Art Centre. Play Full Body workshop - April 19th-23rd, 2021
DESTELHEIDE, Belgium - Day of Dance 2021 - Dag van de Dans 2021 at Destelheide Centrum Voor Jeugd, Kunst en Creatie - April 24th, 2021.
VIENNA, Austria - Impulstanz festival July 19 - 23rd, 2021 - Play Full Body workshop, and Ultima Vez vocabulary workshop / and July 26th- 30th, 2021 - Play Full Body workshop and Power Sources workshop.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. Summer School - August 9th- 13th, 2021
LYON, France - CNSMDL Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon (closed group)
October 11th- 15th, 2021.
MILANO, Italy- Play Full Body workshop at Milano Contemporary Ballet - November 13th & 14th, 2021.
ROVERETO, Italy - Ultima Vez workshop, CID-Centro Internazionale della Danza - November 20th - 21st, 2021.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. (closed group). November 29th - December 10th, 2021.


ATHENS, Greece - Play Full Body at ChoroskinisirythmosJanuary, 25th & 26th, 2020.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Ultima Vez workshop at Ultima Vez studio. January 29th - Feb 1st, 2020.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Play Full Body at TicTac Art Center. March 16th-20th, 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19
- DAR festival 2020 - Play Full Body workshop. April 30th -May 4th, 2020. ! Cancelled due to COVID-19 crisis
- Born2Play Festival. June 22nd- 29th, 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19
CHANIA, Greece
- Dance Days Chania. July 20th-24th, 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19
VIENNA, Austria - Impulstanz. - Play Full Body, Power Sources, Ultima Vez vocabulary. July 27 - August 7th, 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19
- P.A.R.T.S. summer school - Play Full Body. 10th- 4th August, 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19
SEOUL, Korea
- 2020 SICW - Seoul International Choreography Workshop. August 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19
- Medusa Menorca movimiento y entrenamiento de danza - July 16th-18th, 2020.
PAMPLONA, Spain - La Faktoria Choreographic centre. A creative laboratory for and together with the dancers of La Faktoria. September 7th October 2nd, 2020.
MADRID, Spain - Festival Cuerpo Romo. October 23r - 25th, 2020 ! Cancelled- COVID-19
- Play Full Body workshop at Milano Contemporary Ballet. November 10th & 11th, 2020.
ROVERETO, Italy - Ultima Vez workshop at CID-Centro Internazionale della Danza. November 14th - 15th, 2020. Cancelled Covid-19!
LYON (France)
- CNMD - Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique et Danse de Lyon. December 14th-18th, 2020. Cancelled COVID-19!
BRUSSELS, Belgium - TICTAC Art Center. Play Full Body workshop. DEC 7th - 11th, 2020 ! Cancelled COVID-19!


PAMPLONA, Bask Country (Spain) - La Faktoria - January 7th - 18th, 2019.
OSLO, Norway - Skuespiller – og Danseralliansen AS -January 28th - February 1st, 2019.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S.  (closed group). March 11th - April 5th, 2019.
ALICANTE, Spain - Vía Danza- FLOW Espacio Vivo Arte y Movimiento - March 30th - Masterclass Power Sources
Collaboration with Abril en Danza 2019.
FLORENCE, Italy - Centro Opus Ballet SSD - April 29th - Mai 3rd.
COLOGNE, Germany - May 20th to 24th, 2019. CCD (closed group)
VITLYCKE, Sweden - Vitlycke Performing Arts Center. Play Full Body workshop - June 3rd- 7th, 2019.
DELTEBRE, Catalunya (Spain) Deltebre Dansa - The Borrowed Body workshop - 15th -19th July 2019.
VIENNA, Austria - IMPULSTANZ - July 29th - August 9th, 2019.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - PARTS Summer School - August 12th - 16th, 2019.
LISBON, Portugal - EVC Kick Off’ 19 - September 09th -13th, 2019. Estúdios Víctor Cordon.
LIMA, Peru - Play Full Body workshop - September 23rd- 27th, 2019 -Encuentro Internacional Danza PUCP 2019 QUITO, Ecuador - Festival Cielo Abierto - September 19th, 2019. Master class + lecture “Writing with Bodies”
LIMA, Peru. The Borrowed Body workshop. Centro Cultural CC Cine Olaya - October 16th- 19th, 2019.
BRUSSELS, Belgium. P.A.R.T.S.  (closed group) - November 4th - December 6th, 2019.


CHICHESTER, UK - commission for a new dance work for Mapdance at the University of Chichester - Jan 16th- Feb 2nd, 2018.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - ROSAS dance company - 5th - 16th, 2018. (morning lessons).
BARCELONA, Spain - Commission dance work for Conservatori Professional de Dansa del Institut del Teatre. 
March 5 - 23rd, 2018.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Space conflict & Catastrophic Imagination workshop. Ultima Vez studio - April 16th-20th, 2018.
CANADA, Montreal - Circuit-Est Centre chorégraphique - Power Sources at Circuit-Est - April 23rd - 27th, 2018.
LATVIA, Riga - Riga-ON international contemporary dance workshop - Power Sources - April 30th-May 5th, 2018.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. - May 22nd- June 8th, 2018 (closed group).
DELTEBRE, Spain - Deltebre Dansa - Play Full Body / Partnering Work Tools - July 23rd -27th.
BRAZIL, Goiania - Manga de Vento – Mostra Expandida de Dança - (Álvaro Esteban & Laura Aris) - July 5th.
VIENNA, Austria - Impulstanz - Partnering tools, Play Full Body and Ultima Vez vocabulary - August 20th-31st, 2018
CANADA, Toronto - Alias Dance Project - International Summer Intensive Training Program - August 20th-31st, 2018.


BASK COUNTRY, VitoriaIntensive workshop: On Fragility and Other Matters- 7th - 8th, 2017.
SPAIN, Barcelona - Creation for the students of Institut del Teatre - March 27th - April 8 / April 24th -29th, 2017.
AUSTRIA, Vienna - Tanz Quartier. May 8th - 13th, 2017.
UK, London - Tripspace. June 12th - 15th, 2017.
SPAIN, Valencia - Ens Mou Dansa Festival - July - 3rd- 7th, 2017.
SPAIN, Deltebre - Deltebre Dansa - July 10th - 14th. 
CROATIA, St. Vicenti - Dance & Non-Verbal Theater festival - July 21st-23th, 2017, from 10h-14h.
VIENNA, Impulstanz - August 1st - 11th, 2017.
ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires - Octubre 6th -7th. Congreso de Artes del Movimiento/Cia de Danza de la UNa.
ARGENTINA, Rosario- Festival El Cruce- Power Sources workshop October 11th -14th, 2017.
CHILE, Valparaiso - Festival DanzaAlBorde - Power Sources workshop - October 18th -20th, 2017.
PERU, Lima - Danza Viva - Power Sources workshop - October 23rd -25th, 2017.
ARGENTINA, Buenos Aire - November 2nd - 4th, 2017, Salón Camargo.
VITORIA, Bask Country (ES) - Sala Baratza - Dec 17th - 18th, 2017.


HONG KONG HKAPA Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Jan 11th - 15th Contemporary degree students and Jan 18th Masters program
TAIPEI, Taiwan - 26th Jan Master class (to be confirmed) - TTC Dance
STAVANGER, Norway - Stavanger University of Arts - Feb 8th - 19th
MUMBAI, India - Jugnee Dance Festival - April 25th - 29th
BERLIN, Germany - B12 - May 24th, 25th & 26th
MONTREAL, Canada - Atelier Transformation. June 6 -10th
DELTEBRE, Spain - Deltebre Dansa. July 11- 15th
VIENNA, Austria - Impulstanz. July 25th - August 5th
BARCELONA, Spain - Laura Aris. Power sources workshop - La Caldera - August 8th - 12th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Ultima Vez workshop. Sept 5th-9th  
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Space Belgica - PlayFull Body sessions Sept 19th- 23rd
MALMÖ, Sweden - September 26th -30th. Skanes DansTheatre morning class company - October 3rd - 7th. Power Sources morning class and workshop Ultima Vez at Danscentrum in collaboration with Dansalliansen
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. Nov 21st- Dec16th (Close group)


QUITO, Ecuador - Ruta (Conocimiento y Arte en Movimiento) Laura Aris & Álvaro Esteban
Power Sources - Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito. April 4 - 8th
KRAKOW, Poland - Krakow Choreography Centre - Laura Aris (Power Sources) - Contemporary Dance Festival SPACER. April 30 - 3rd May   
DESTELHEIDE, Belgium - Laura Aris / Ultima Vez 1 - 4 June
HAMBURG, Germany - Power Sources -  K3- Zentrum für Choreographic - June 8-11th  
LA BIENNALE DI VENETIA, Italy - Morning training (power Sources) - June 15 - 21
DELTEBRE, Spain - EMBER (Laura Aris / Jorge Jáuregui) Partner work. July 6 - 10
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Ultima Vez Studio. July 28th -31st   
VIENNA, Austria - IMPULSTANZ. Vocabulary Ultima Vez / Partner tools workshop /  Playful Body workshop / The Courage to Create workshop. August 3- 14th   
IBIZA, Spain - C.I. Dance & Performance - Laura Aris (Intensive). August 24 - 29th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Ultima Vez Studio. September 1st- 4th  
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. - Laura Aris - Power Sources. Sep 1- 25th
St.PETERSBURG, Russia - Dance Academy - Contemporary Laboratory. Oct 3rd- 7th
BARCELONA, Spain - La Caldera, Centre de Creació de dansa i Arts Escénicques - Morning training sessions during a research residence. Oct 19th& 21st and Oct 26th & 28th
STAVANGER, Norway - Nov 9th-20th - Choreographic Laboratory with students of Stavanger University of Arts. Nov 9th - 19th


HONG KONG HKAPA, Academy for Performing Arts
Laura Aris Alvarez - Artist in Residency. Sept 2013- June 2014
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. - Laura Aris - Jan 27th- Feb 14th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Laura Aris / Ultima Vez workshop. July 6th-11th - Ultima Vez studio
IMPULSTANZ VIENNA, Austria - Laura Aris Vocabulary Ultima Vez / Partner work / Playful Body workshop / The Courage to Create workshop. July 28nd- August 15th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. - Laura Aris / Power Sources. Sep 29th- Oct 10th
University of Stavanger, Norway - Laura Aris / Power Sources. Oct 13th- 24th
ST.PETERSBURG, Russia - Dance Academy  Laura Aris / Power Sources. Nov 3rd- 7th
MONTREAL, CANADA - Studio 303 - Laura Aris (Ultima Vez vocabulary). Nov 17th- 21st


HONG KONG HKAPA, Academy for Performing Arts
Laura Aris Alvarez. Artist in Residency- September 2012 to June 13th, 2013.
TAIPEI, Taiwan - CCU Creative Dance Conference - Chinese Culture University - Laura Aris Alvarez / Power Sources. June 20th- 22nd, 2013.    
DELTEBRE, Spain - EMBER (Laura Aris/Jorge Jáuregui) Partner work. July 8th- 12th, 2013.
VIENNA, Austria - IMPULSTANZ - Laura Aris - Vocabulary Ultima Vez & Partner work. July 22- August 2nd, 2013.
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - Bratislava Culture Summer -EMBER (Laura Aris/Jorge Jáuregui). August 5 - 9, 2013.
IBIZA, Spain - Ibiza Contact Festival - Laura Aris Alvarez / Power Sources. August 26th-20th, 2013.


HONG KONG, HKAPA, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts  -  Jan 2nd - 20th, 2012
A remake of extracts of Surprised by Joy (2009) directed by Laura Aris for the students of the HKAPA.
SALZBURG, Austria - SEAD, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance -  EMBER (Laura Aris/Jorge Jáuregui). March 5th - 30th, 2012.  
LYON, France - Laura Aris (Ultima Vez vocabulary) - Festival Auteurs De Troubles. April 4th - 6th, 2012.
BURGOS, Spain - Escuela Superior de Danza De Castilla y León. April 16th - May 18th, 2012.
MONTREAL, Canada - Atelier Transformation- May 28 - June 1st / Power Sources - Laura Aris & from June 4th - 8th, 2012 - Partner work (Laura Aris /Jorge Jáuregui)      
DELTEBRE, Spain EMBER (Laura Aris/Jorge Jáuregui) - Partner work. July 2nd-6th, 2022.
IMPULSTANZ, Austria - Laura Aris - July 16th - 27th, 2012. Vocabulary Ultima Vez & Partner work.
ANTWERPEN, Belgium - Kunsthumaniora Dans & PACTT vzw-  Power Sources. August 18th - 22nd, 2012.
BRUSSELS, Belgium - PARTS Summer School - Laura Aris - Power Sources - August 20th - 24th, 2012.
HONG KONG - HKAPA Academy for Performing Arts (Artist in Residency) Sep 2012 - June 2013.


MONTREAL, Canada - Danse et Arts Indisciplinés - January 10th to 14th  (Studio 303)
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Charleroi Danses-La Raffinerie - Laura Arís / Power Sources. Jan 17th - 21st    
ATHENS, Greece  - Duncan Dance Research School & Rallou Manou Dance School - Laura Arís / Power Sources - Feb 7th to 13th
HONG KONG - Academy for Performing Arts - Feb 21st - March 4th  
REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Iceland Academy of the Arts - Laura Arís - March 14th - 25th
CARTAGENA, Spain - FESTIVAL MUDANZAS - Laura Aris - April 2nd - 3rd
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Charleroi Danses (La Raffinerie) - Laura Arís / Power Sources - Jun 6th - 10th
DELTEBRE, Spain  - June 27th  to July 1st - Laura Arís / Jorge Jáuregui (Partenering work)
KALAMATA, Greece - Kalamanta dance festival - Laura Arís (Power Sources) - July 13th - 21st.
VIENNA, Austria - IMPULSTANZ - Laura Arís / Ultima Vez vocabulary & partnering - July 25 - Aug 5
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Henny Jurriëns Foundation - Power Sources - August 22 - 26
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Charleroi Danses-La Raffinerie - Power Sources - Dec 12th to 16th  


ELCHE, Spain - L’Escorxador CCC. Laura Aris / Power Sources. Jan 7th- 8th
SEVILLA, Spain - Centro de las Artes de Sevilla. Jan 11th - 22nd
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Laura Aris / Power Sources. Feb 22nd - March 5th
SANTIAGO DE CHILE -   Laura Aris March 5ht to 16th - Power Sources and Partnering
BRUSSELS, Belgium - P.A.R.T.S. May 17th- 26th
BARCELONA, Spain - La Caldera. Laura Aris / Power Sources. May 31st - June 4th
DELTEBRE, Spain  - June 2010 Laura Arís / Jorge Jáuregui (Partenering work)
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Ultima Vez vocabulary workshop - July 12th - 16th
VIENNA, Austria - Impulstanz - Laura Aris / Ultima Vez vocabulary - July 19th- 30th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - PARTS Summer School. Laura Aris / Power Sources - August 9th - 13th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - PARTS - Dec 13th 17th


ISTAMBUL, Turkey - Laura Aris / Power Sources. January 12th- 16th
ROVERETO, Italy - CID, Centro Internazionale per la formazione - Jan 30th- Feb 1st
ZAGREB, Croatia - Zagreb Dance Company - February 16th - 27th
BARCELONA, Spain - Lanònima Imperial dance company - Laura Aris / Power Sources. March 2nd - 6th
BARCELONA, Spain - Institut del Teatre de Barcelona March 11th & 18th, 2009 - Masterclasses
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Intercultural woman group LASO - organised by Ultima Vez
MALAGA, Spain - CSD, Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Málaga - Power Sources - March 30 - April 3
MUMBAI, India - Terence Lewis Foundation - Laura Aris / Power Sources. April 13th - 24th
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica - performance for graduated students at Taller Nacional El Barco. May 11- June 12
LINZ, Austria - Laura Aris / Ultima Vez vocabulary. July 27th- 31st
VIENNA, Austria - Impulstanz - Laura Aris / Ultima Vez vocabulary. August 3rd- 14th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Ultima Vez workshop. August 24th- 28th. Studio Ultima Vez
ROVERETO, Italy - CID, Festival Oriente Occidente. September 5th -6th
SAN LUIS POTOSÍ, Mexico - El Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí (Ceart) - Sep 14 - 18
MAZATLAN, Mexico - Professional School of Dance (EPDM) - Power Sources. October 26th - 30th
BRUSSELS, Belgium - PARTS. November 2nd- 13th
BOLOGNA, Italy - Isadora dance studio - Laura Aris - Power Sources. 14th- 15th Nov
BRUSSELS, Chaleroi Danses - La Raffinerie - Laura Aris - Power Sources. Nov 23rd- 27th
TURNHOUT, Belgium - Cultuurhuis de Warande - Laura Aris - Ultima Vez workshop. Nov 28th- 29th
BARCELONA, Spain - Institut del Teatre. Master classes - Dec 11th and Dec 15th


PARIS, France - Conservatoire National Supérior de Musique et Danse de Paris.
SEOUL, South Korea
- National Arts University Seoul - Laura Aris - December 2008.